2 away records matched in Cagliari

Record for wins and goals scored away from home

The 1-0 win in Cagliari not only broke two all-time records (8 consecutive wins in Serie A, 10 in all competitions, and 83 goals scored in the league), but also matched two records which had been set last season, related to away matches.

With the away win in Sardinia, the Nerazzurri have got ten away wins and scored 41 goals: last season’s record has been matched, but there are still four matches to play away from Bergamo to improve it. So far, the wins have come at the ground of Spal, Genoa, Roma, Sassuolo, Brescia, Torino, Fiorentina, Lecce, Udinese and Cagliari. The last five have been consecutive, which sets another record in the history of the Club.

  • 06/07/2020
  • Cagliari/Atalanta
  • Serie A Tim