Weekend League #26 results

Danipitbull has ranked 1st in the world

FIFA Weekend League #26 has just finished. Atalanta Esports has taken part in the league with FIFA20 captain  Antonio “ProRope” Mincione, along with Danilo “Danipitbull” Pinto, Mattia “Mattiabene” Benedetti e Enrico “Piaazzaa” Piazzalunga.
For the second time, the Nerazzurri player Danipitbull has ranked first in the world, thanks to his 30 wins and 0 defeats, just like in Weekend League #24.

Here below, the full results from each player:


Wins/defeats= 30/0
Goal scored/conceded = 107/22
Rage quit = 12

Ranking position = TOP 1st in the world


Wins/defeats = 29/1
Goal scored/conceded = 88/12
Rage quit = 16

Ranking position = Out of Top


Wins/defeats = 26/4
Goal scored/conceded = 94/32
Rage quit = 11

Ranking position = Out of Top 100


Wins/defeats = 27/3
Goal scored/conceded = 89/31
Rage quit = 17

Ranking position = Out of Top 100

  • 31/03/2020
  • Iniziative
  • Esports