Some stats from Inter-Atalanta

Match with multiple finishes

Here are some Atalanta stats about the match against Inter that took place at the Giuseppe Meazza.

Of Ruslan Malinovskyi‘s 17 Serie A goals, 10 were scored from outside the box: no player has scored more from outside the box since the Ukrainian played in the top flight (19/20). Luis Muriel also scored 10.

Out of 8 Serie A goals, Rafael Toloi‘s goal against Inter was the first he scored with his left foot (the others were 5 headers and 2 right-foot shots).

After 18 league gamesAtalanta have stopped Inter‘s streak of home victories (the last match without scoring the three points before the 2021-2022 Serie A TIM matchday 6 dates back to October 2020 against Parma).

Inter-Atalanta was the match with the most finishes this season: there were 40 shots in total, 21 of which were from Atalanta.


Credits: Opta Facts

  • 26/09/2021
  • Inter-Atalanta
  • Serie A TIM
  • Serie A