UEL RO16 2nd leg Atalanta v Sporting CP: the referee

Swiss referee Sandro Schärer to officiate the match

Swiss official Sandro Schärer has been appointed for the 2023/24 UEFA Europa League RO16 second leg between Atalanta and Sporting CP, which kicks off at the Gewiss Stadium in Bergamo on Thursday 14 March at 21:00 CET. His assistants will be Bekim Zogaj (SUI) and Jonas Erni (SUI), while the fourth official will be Lukas Fähndrich (SUI); V.A.R. will be Fedayi San (SUI) and A.V.A.R. Lionel Tschudi (SUI).

  • 12/03/2024
  • Europa League
  • Atalanta-Sporting