Wallpapers featuring Zappacosta!

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Our Wallpaper Wednesday is back again with another issue: as usual, you can download our three new designs, from our InstagramFacebook, and Twitter platforms!

Despite his tough start, highlighted by the injury that occurred during the pre-season, Davide Zappacosta eventually managed to pull through his ordeal and, after gradually picking up from both an athletic and physical standpoint, our dagger on the left flanks is now back in full swing – with the absolute banger scored against Lazio as a prize and testament to his recovery. Thus, dedicating this week’s installment of the Wallpaper Wednesday to Davide’s inspiring arc was nothing short of a no-brainer!

Download the wallpapers featuring DZ77 and stay tuned to our accounts for our next issue of Wallpaper Wednesday!

CLICK HERE to download these wallpapers!

  • 15/02/2023
  • Davide Zappacosta