Academy: this weekend’s fixtures (7-8/1)

League matches at the weekend

With the dawn of the New Year, our Academy is poised to hit the pitch again as the first fixtures of 2023 await. Starting off with the outing of our Primavera against Cagliari, scheduled for 7 January at 11:00 CET. Meanwhile, due to their respective championships still being on hold for an extended winter break, all the other sides of the Academy are to resume their commitments in the next few weeks.

Moving on to our Female Academy, on Sunday the 8th of January, the double-fixture against Cortefranca to be hosted at the Centro Bortolotti in Zingonia awaits both the Under 15 and the Under 17, with matches to kick off, respectively, at 14:15 CET and 16:15 CET.

7/1 11.00 PRIMAVERA Cagliari-Atalanta C.S. Asseminello, Loc. Sa Ruina, Assemini (CA)
8/1 14.15 U15 F Atalanta-Cortefranca C.S. Bortolotti, Europa 46, Zingonia-Ciserano (BG)
8/1 16.15 U17 F Atalanta-Monza C.S. Bortolotti, Europa 46, Zingonia-Ciserano (BG)
  • 06/01/2023
  • Men's Primavera
  • Primavera 1 TIMVISION
  • Girls' U15s
  • Women's U17s