Some stats from Salernitana-Atalanta

Zapata's 1st Serie A goal between the 2 teams

Here are some statistics about the Nerazzurri’s display in Salernitana-Atalanta.

Duván Zapata scored the first historic goal in a Serie A match between the two teams. In fact, the two previous encounters had ended 0-0.

Moreover, the Colombian forward has participated in at least one goal in all the latest five matches against the teams recently promoted to Serie A: two goals, three assists.

Atalanta started the League winning the first two away fixtures for the third straight season. Earlier, it had happened only once in the Club’s history: in the 2000-2001 season.

Atalanta have won 24 of the latest 30 matches in Serie A against recently promoted teams, of which all the latest five wins are straight.

  • 19/09/2021
  • Salernitana/Atalanta
  • Serie A TIM
  • Serie A